Cancellation and Late Arrival Policy

We understand that everyone has busy lives and sometimes circumstances beyond your control may mean you have to cancel your appointment or are unable to get to your appointment on time.  We will always try to be as flexible as we can in accommodating this, however the following policy applies; 

  • To cancel your appointment please call 07592526347 or email at least 24 hours beforehand 
  • Cancelling your appointment: Please let us know as soon as possible, but at least 24 hours before your appointment. If the cancellation is less than 24 hours’ notice we will try to re-book the slot, if we can’t, we may charge you the full cost of the appointment 
  • We may request pre-payment for services if several appointments are cancelled at short notice. 
  • We reserve the right to charge for the full price of appointments cancelled less than 24 hours beforehand. 

Late arrival  

If you are running late a phone call is very much appreciated. If you arrive late, it means we are likely to run late for our next client which we think is unfair. 

Whilst we will do our utmost to accommodate Clients who arrive late, normally arrival anything more than a few minutes late for your appointment means we cannot spend the time we need to give you the best quality of service and we won’t be able to do perform the treatment. 

We know this may be frustrating for Clients who have arrived late through no fault of their own, but we also have a duty to our other Clients to keep to their appointment times. We will happily rebook a new appointment for you as soon as possible.  

We may request pre-payment for services if you’ve been late for several appointments.  

We reserve the right to charge the full price of appointments that are missed due to Client lateness.